

Guitar lessons, individual and collective, for adults and children, are currently held in Salerno and its province at the offices of:

Salerno – La Mennola Theater in via Salvatore Calenda
Salerno – “Marea” Association in via Gerardo Capobianco Cono
Battipaglia (Salerno) – “Emanuele Scifo” / Coop.Sociale ‘Il Cantico Onlus’ foundation at the “L’Urbe” business center in via Colombo

The lessons are about:

– Classical and / or acoustic guitar lessons starting from 5 years.

– Music therapy courses for children and adults with learning disabilities.

– Music preparatory courses for children from 4 to 6 years.

– Preparatory courses for entrance exams at the Conservatory.

For information and contacts CLICK HERE

Music teacher in public school music for several years, among the most significant experiences both on a human and a professional level:
– Cooperation with ASL Salerno 2 (C.S.M. – Mental Health Center), teaching the music and the guitar a children and adults with reduced intellectual capacity, finalized
to social inclusion and improvement of the psychophysical conditions;  with
– Cooperation with the association “Corda in Accordo” – Onlus (Riff Roff in Salerno), as a guitar teacher for minor migrants.
– PON (National Operational Programme – European Union)  and “Scuola Viva” projects as an external expert and consultant at public shools of all levels, from infancy to high school.
– Projects of teaching of mathematics through the music
– Projects about musical instrument creation laboratories, music therapy and rhythmic education.
– “Young guitarists on tour” is my project with students to create an orchestra of young guitarists between the ages of 5 and 25 years old.